The Hand in Hand Dance is an event for challenged people held by Ms. Baginsky and Mrs. Brennan on March 22, 2016 in Colonia High School. There are crafts, games, food, and music.
This event is held at Colonia High School in the cafeteria on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Mrs. Brennan, Ms. Baginsky, as well as students who volunteer to help out, hold this Hand in Hand dance to make the school and community a better place. Colonia High School is a school that always lends out a helping hand to others such as holding donations, like Colonia’s very own Make a Wish foundation, and food drives to donate to local food pantries.
This Hand in Hand Dance invites people of all ages with special needs to attend. During this, volunteers help the people who attend to make crafts. For the two hours of this dance they also eat snacks, listen to music, and play board games.
There are usually around ten disabled and around 10-20 volunteers that attend every two Tuesdays. Crafts are always made and they are created around the holidays that take place that month.
This Hand in Hand Dance was an enjoyable event to attend. It was fun talking and making crafts with the intellectual disabled. I think I enjoyed it most because it made the gifted happy that someone was talking and having fun with them for the two hours. It was a different but also changing experience.
Although there could have been more volunteers, I think it is important to volunteer not only for the community, but also for the school. If you are interested in signing up to volunteer, it is recommended that people should actually participate considering some volunteers didn’t get involved and just sat there.
Paper bunnies were made out of paper plates and cotton balls which they got to color and personalize and take home. Some drew their own pictures and others designed their own paper eggs. Monopoly and Uno were being played while music was in the background. Some danced and then snacks were served. Snack time involved cupcakes, chips, and cookies all brought in by the volunteers.